

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring constituent of industrial hemp. Its formula is C21H30O2 and it has a molecular mass of 314.4636. It is the most abundant non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis, and is being scientifically investigated for various reasons.

CBD oil is a cannabis oil whether it is derived from marijuana or industrial hemp. The word cannabis is the latin genus name for both plants. The hemp plant has significant amounts of cannabidiol (CBD) contained within it. When CBD products are derived from industrial hemp they can be referred to as CBD-rich hemp oil, hemp derived CBD oil, CBD-rich cannabis oil, or plainly “hemp extracts”. Hemp extracts typically contain CBD plus CBN, CBL, CBCVA, and more. Again, the form of cannabis ARC uses for our CBD hemp extracts is industrial hemp; we do not sell marijuana.

Broad spectrum means you are getting the cannabinoids from whole hemp plants. This does not mean that there will be THC in the product because our source is industrial hemp, not marijuana. The cannabis hemp plant has more cannabinoids than only CBD. There is also CBN, CBL, CBCVA, and more. The hemp plant is also rich in minerals, giving even more added benefits.

Having access to more than just one cannabinoid can actually enhance CBD through something called the entourage effect. What this means is that CBD has been known to work better when accompanied by other cannabinoids.

CBD isolate is all in the name. The product contains only CBD without the benefits of additional cannabinoids.

Nano Technology transforms a broad-spectrum, organic hemp oil extract into a water soluble product. This means nano-enhanced hemp oil containing nano CBD molecules instead of large hemp oil particles. This provides multiple times more bioavailable CBD than CBD-rich hemp oil for two reasons: it is water-soluble (humans are 60% water) and its nanoparticle size passes through the cell wall easily.

No, they will not get you high. Our products are sourced from industrial hemp and do not contain THC which is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. Our supercritical CO2 extraction process removes all the THC.

The zero to low amounts of THC in industrial hemp make it a more favorable choice for those who would like the benefits without the euphoria or psycho-toxicity that is associated with medical cannabis. In addition, our seed to market management assures you of the quality and purity our customers deserve. Read our section called “History of Hemp”.

Purity in any supplement matters more than anything else. Many companies use imported CBD oil from unregulated farms and manufacturers in countries outside the U.S. This is an important fact because the hemp plant is a hyperaccumulator, easily absorbing contaminants in the soil. Soil contamination is caused by man-made chemicals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, fertilizers, metals, cyanide, benzene, and pesticides. These can often be found in both urban and rural soils. If the soil is not clean, the hemp plant will contain toxic elements and so will the CBD product.

U.S. farmers who want to label their product “organic” must be certified by a USDA-accredited agency. We source our whole hemp plant from certified organic farms in Oregon and Colorado. Go to the section About Us /Quality to read about the purity and quality of our products.

Absolutely not. Standard hemp oil, which can be found inexpensively at a grocery store, is a much different product than our broad spectrum hemp extract CBD. Standard hemp oil is produced by cold pressing the seeds. Our hemp extract is the result of supercritical CO2 extraction of the whole hemp plant itself, not the seeds. Hemp seed oil is considered a nutritive food. It doesn’t have the naturally occurring phytocannabinoids, numerous vitamins and minerals, terpenes, and other phytonutrients providing the known therapeutic efficacy associated with broad-spectrum hemp.

Discovered in 1992, the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) refers to the body system that includes endocannabinoids, the enzymes that regulate their production and degradation, and their receptors. Endocannabinoids are messengers isolated from brain and peripheral tissues that communicate via cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2. Exocannabinoids, such as CBD, also communicate with CB1 and CB2 receptors. We have come to learn that the Endocannabinoid System is an incredibly sophisticated, widely dispersed homeostatic control system affecting all major body systems. Read about the ECS in section of [Re]store Your Balance.

A tincture is a concentrated extract that’s traditionally mixed with carrier oils. Since they’re so concentrated, you only need a few drops of CBD tincture to reap the benefits, which is why it’s sold in small bottles with a dropper for dosing.

The human body is a very complex organism composed of living cells and extracellular materials and organized into tissues, organs and systems. There are many reasons why a person has difficulty sleeping. But the short answer to your question is that many CBD users report that CBD helps reduce anxious thoughts that are often responsible for difficulty falling and staying asleep. In addition, there is also evidence that high CBD doses can act as a sedative.

Yes. At this time CBD is legal at the federal level and no longer a Schedule I drug. To be legal in the U.S. the CBD oil cannot contain more than 3% THC.

Beware when travelling out of the country because it might not pass customs! CBD oil is not yet legal in all countries; while some countries exist in a relative grey area, such as France, at this writing other countries such as Australia and China CBD oil is illegal and could cause you big problems (including fines or even jail time) if you bring it into the country. Before flying outside of the U.S., do your research on the legality of CBD in every country you will be passing through customs.

ARC’s Water-Soluble CBD can be used in cold cooking. Cold cooking refers to preparing a dish that does NOT require heat.  With that in mind, let your culinary imagination run free and add our water-soluble CBD to your cold pasta salad or gazpacho. 

Major Key Cooking Alert: Cooking with heat causes evaporation and the loss of the CBD’s vital terpenes when approaching 325 degrees F.  

CBD Water is becoming very popular. The idea behind offering the product is that people drink water anyways so why not infuse it with CBD. The truth is that some people like the convenience of it. They may forget to use their CBD pump or take a CBD capsule in the morning but they will follow daily hydration guidelines so why not include CBD Water in their routine.

The GOOD NEWS is that you can make your own. ARC’s Water-Soluble CBD can be added to any water-based drink throughout the day beginning with early morning glass of water, your drive-to-work coffee, post-workout energy drink and your sleepy-time tea. We advise you add it to a beverage that you will drink within 10 to 15 minutes therefore guarding the potency of the intended dosage.